Saturday, November 15, 2008

Two fewer mochas a month..Totally do-able.

So Betsy commented on my blog post last week regarding an non profit organisation that is concerned with the needs in Africa. I checked it out.

They are attempting to allow normal people like you and I to help with the desperate situation in Africa. For the cost of 2 mochas a month ($7) you can make a difference in the life of several African people.

They have six projects that you can contribute your money to. HIV/AIDS, child mothers (described by the site as: "These young women are called "child mothers" because they were only children themselves when they were abducted, trained as fighters, and given as sex slaves to rebel soldiers in the LRA. Now that they have escaped or been excused as expendable, the community at large rejects them and their children."),Orphan care, Education, Job creation and Sudan regrowth.

The part I like best is this little phrase, "All of our work is through trained indigenous leaders: Africans developing Africa." As a white person in Africa, we are viewed with a whole different level of stigmatisms that only an actual person who had lived in Africa for several years can understand. Americans especially. I find this difficult because I love Africa. But becuase of the understandable nuances that come with being of a different culture I seem helpless to actually provide accurate assistance. But when we can gve the resources and training to indigenous leaders who can teach the general public, we might have a chance to help.

For $7, a lot can be done.

I applaud the mocha club. It's about time that we get involved in the world around us.

If you are interested in getting involved the web address is

Do something.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...when you look at it that way!